Annual Family Gala Dinner 2018

Press Release
Allama Iqbal Medical College Alumni UK’s 5th Annual Gala Dinner was held at the Royal Nawab, Manchester on 13 October. Around 300 guests from across the country attended this colourful and social event. The event started with the play of national anthems of Pakistan & U.K and the recitation from the Holy Book by Dr Yunus Perwaz, a senior Iqbalian doctor and a Member of the Executive Council.
Dr Usman Khan, a General Surgeon from Macclesfield and the head of the event management committee, warmly welcome the guests, their families and print and electronic media representatives.
Dr Ayaz Asghar, the founder Chairman, highlighted the activities and achievements of AIMCAUK and announced the upcoming election schedule to elect new chair, general secretary, social secretary and finance secretary through a transparent electoral process.
The stage and floor were well managed by young Iqbalian doctors, Dr Urooj Aizad, a PhD student in Public Health, Dr Irfan Rashid, a G.P from Bradford and Dr Zafar Hashim, Consultant Radiologist and General Secretary of AIMCAUK.
Special guest and Shadow Immigration Minister, Afzal Khan MP hailed the charitable contributions of the Pakistani doctors to support the needy in Pakistan and said if his party comes into power, they would create equal job opportunities for Pakistani doctors in the U.K.
Master Saad Aizad delivered an impressive speech “How it feels to be a child of Iqbalian Parents”.
Dr Kashif Chauhan from Nottingham spoke on the topic of “Role of AIMCAUK’s Regional Consular.
Guest of honour, Dr Amer Aftab Qureshi, Consul General of Pakistan, appreciated the Iqbalian doctors to support fellow countrymen/women during natural calamities, He urged overseas doctors to keep sending foreign exchange to strengthen the country’s economy.
A memorable cake cutting ceremony was much enjoyed by all participants. A talented group of children presented a beautiful Nasheed.
A delegation from APPSUK specially attended the event and Dr Iqbal, Dr Hafeez, Dr Shakeel Puri, Dr Ghulam Abbas, Ms Shabana Begum & Dr Saima Noman collectively presented a commemorative shield to Dr Ayaz Asghar in recognition of his years-long, tireless and selfless services to bring medical community together and establish AIMCAUK as a sustainable organisation.
Audience were also entertained by standing comedian, Mani Liaqat and singer, Sher Yar Khan. Delicious food and drinks were served to all guests.
The Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester County, Warren Smith Esq & HM the Queen were represented by Dr Nayyer Abidi MBE, DL who is also an Iqbalian doctor and the Member of the Executive Council.
AIMCAUK is a well-structured social, charitable and a democratic organisation, currently led by its Chairman, Dr Ayaz Asghar who is a known eye specialist. AIMCAUK caters for the social, educational and welfare needs of the graduates of Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan, serving and living in the U.K. It also provides scholarships, raised as generous donations by its Active members, to the deserving medical students of AIMC via a merit-based selection process, led by AIMC Principal, Prof Arif Tajammul and two other Professors. So far 6 scholarship have been awarded and one of the recipients is now a qualified MBBS doctor.
Issued by:
Dr S N A Abidi MBE, DL
Media Co-ordinator
Dr Ayaz Asghar
Chairmain, AIMCAUK